Wednesday, October 8, 2008

10/7 - New situations = stress for me

If any of you have been keeping up with me on Myspace you already know my situation. For those of you that are not up to date I'll keep it short. I lost my job last Thursday and everything has been up in the air, including my eating habits and exercising routine. I was doing great and was planning on starting my yoga dvds but I have been so stressed out with what to do now and all this paperwork I have to deal with. Ugh. Not to mention when I stress out I do not feel like getting my butt to workout and I crave bad food. Luckily it hasn't been HORRIBLE food - just not as good as I was doing before this job drama happened. And today I feel like poo..but hopefully after this weekend I'll start fresh on Monday. Plus Todds sisters wedding is Saturday and you can never diet at a wedding! And don't even ask me what I weigh...I'm not even going near a scale until I'm emotionally sound again.

I'll probably post again on Monday and by then I'll have myself in check.
